WISH Fiji watershed interventions are implemented following consultation with village committees and in partnership with Fiji local authorities and WISH project staff. The team provide training in management of water resources and development of ecological interventions to the next generation of health systems leaders, leading to sustainable improvements in the health and environment of rural communities.  Inclusive decision-making processes involving government and local communities are key to ensuring long-term and effective management of Fiji’s watershed environments, improved sanitation and reduction of water-related diseases such as typhoid, leptospirosis and dengue.

To date, evidence-based WISH Fiji watershed interventions have included:

    • co-design and installation of clean drinking water piping and water tank in Naqarawai village [Read more]
    • updated water sanitation and safety plans (WSSPs) for each of the 16 WISH Fiji communities [Read more]
    • governance review and recommendation for representation on village water committees
    • installation of critical drinking water infrastructure in Bureta sub-catchment [Read more]
    • water sanitation and hygiene audits and upgrades to pit latrines
    • borehole rehabilitation in Tavulomo Village [Read more]